deleted: main.obf.lua new file: server/utils.lua modified: web/public/assets/bg.png modified: web/src/types/redux.type.ts modified: web/src/utils/fetchNui.ts modified: web/src/utils/misc.ts |
.github/workflows | ||
client | ||
server | ||
web | ||
.gitignore | ||
config.lua | ||
fxmanifest.lua | ||
impl.lua | ||
main.lua | || |
LR Fivem lua module
This repository is a basic boilerplate for getting started
with React in NUI. It contains several helpful utilities and
is bootstrapped using create-react-app
. It is for both browser
and in-game based development workflows.
For in-game workflows, Utilizing craco
to override CRA, we can have hot
builds that just require a resource restart instead of a full
production build
This version of the boilerplate is meant for the CfxLua runtime.
- Node > v10.6
- Yarn (Preferred but not required)
- ox_lib
A basic understanding of the modern web development workflow. If you don't know this yet, React might not be for you just yet.
Getting Started
First clone the repository or use the template option and place
it within your resources
The boilerplate was made using yarn
but is still compatible with
Install dependencies by navigating to the web
folder within
a terminal of your choice and type npm i
or yarn
Enable modules in Config.EnableModules
Config.EnableModules = {
["Newbie"] = {
enabled = true,
client = true, -- enable client side
priority = 1, -- 1 : init on start | 2 : init on player loaded
["Test"] = {
enabled = true,
priority = 2, -- 1 : init on start | 2 : init on player loaded
Config.Debug = true -- print log
Config.Dev = false
Config.Nui = true -- will wait NUI trigger RegisterNUICallback('AppReady', ...) before init
This boilerplate will export all method from all modules
- To call method in module out side of script
exports['lr_addon']:ImplCall(name, func, ...) --Call a method in module external
variable `main` is global
you can use this variable in anywhere
main.playerId main.playerPed main.playerCoords main.playerHeading main.playerServerId
methods (internal use)
main:GetImpl(implName) --Get module instance
main:ImplCall(implName, methodName, ...args) --Call a method in module --You can also use this way local testImpl = main:GetImpl("Test") testImpl:<methodName>(...args)
default methods
Impl:GetName() --Get name of module
Impl:OnReady() --Called when module was initialized --Example local Impl = NewImpl("Test") function Impl:OnReady() self:LogInfo("%s initialized", self:GetName()) --will print out: [INFO] [TEST] Test initialized --Your rest of script end function Impl:HookHere(value) return value + 1 end function Impl:ReplaceThis(a, b) return a + b end
Impl:OnDestroy() --Called when module start destroying (when hot reload module)
Impl:HookMethod(method, hookFn) --Hook a function at start of method. Must return value same as arguments of method --Example local testImpl = main:GetImpl("Test") print(testImpl:HookHere(2)) --print out: 3 testImpl:HookMethod("HookHere", function(this, value) print("Hook called"); return value end) print(testImpl:HookHere(2)) --print out: Hook called --print out: 3 testImpl:HookMethod("HookHere", function(this, value) print("Hook called 2"); return value + 1 end) print(testImpl:HookHere(2)) --print out: Hook called 2 --print out: Hook called --print out: 4 (because we was modified value = value + 1)
Impl:ReplaceMethod(method, newMethod) --Replace method with new function --Example local testImpl = main:GetImpl("Test") print(testImpl:ReplaceThis(2, 3)) --print out: 5 testImpl:ReplaceMethod("ReplaceThis", function(this, a, b) return a * b end) print(testImpl:ReplaceThis(2, 3)) --print out: 6
Impl:RefreshMethod(method) --Refresh method to original --Example local testImpl = main:GetImpl("Test") testImpl:RefreshMethod("HookHere") print(testImpl:HookHere(2)) --print out: 3 testImpl:RefreshMethod("ReplaceThis") print(testImpl:ReplaceThis(2, 3)) --print out: 5
Impl:LogInfo(msg, ...) --Print log when Config.Debug == true
Impl:LogError(msg, ...) --Print log when Config.Debug == true
Impl:LogSuccess(msg, ...) --Print log when Config.Debug == true
Impl:LogWarning(msg, ...) --Print log when Config.Debug == true
Impl:Destroy() --Destroy module (Called when hot reload module)
Impl default properties
self.destroyed = false self.originalMethods = {} self.eventHandlers = {}
Create Impl
Module name must be the same as file name
local Impl = NewImpl("Test2") --file name must be Test2.impl.lua --Place file in client/impl for clientside and server/impl for serverside
local Impl = NewImpl("Test") function Impl:OnReady() -- Entry of module self.testVar = 0 end function Impl:GetData() return end function Impl:Add(amount, amount2) self.testVar = self.testVar + amount + amount2 return self.testVar end
reload:<resourcename> <implname> <mode>
--Used for hot reload a module
--mode: 0 [default] (reload server and client) | 1 (reload only client) | 2 (reload only server)
reload:lr_boilerplate Test --for reload module `Test` clientside and serverside
reload:lr_boilerplate Test 1 --for reload module `Test` clientside
reload:lr_boilerplate Test 2 --for reload module `Test` serverside
--Used for toggle debug mode [modify variable Config.Debug] (print out log ...)
--Used for toggle dev mode [modify variable Config.Dev]