--- A simple wrapper around SendNUIMessage that you can use to --- dispatch actions to the React frame. --- ---@param action string The action you wish to target ---@param data any The data you wish to send along with this action function SendReactMessage(action, data) SendNUIMessage({ action = action, data = data }) end local currentResourceName = GetCurrentResourceName() local debugIsEnabled = GetConvarInt(('%s-debugMode'):format(currentResourceName), 0) == 1 --- A simple debug print function that is dependent on a convar --- will output a nice prettfied message if debugMode is on function debugPrint(...) if not debugIsEnabled then return end local args = { ... } local appendStr = '' for _, v in ipairs(args) do appendStr = appendStr .. ' ' .. tostring(v) end local msgTemplate = '^3[%s]^0%s' local finalMsg = msgTemplate:format(currentResourceName, appendStr) print(finalMsg) end