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LR Fivem lua module

This repository is a basic boilerplate for getting started with React in NUI. It contains several helpful utilities and is bootstrapped using `create-react-app`. It is for both browser and in-game based development workflows. For in-game workflows, Utilizing `craco` to override CRA, we can have hot builds that just require a resource restart instead of a full production build This version of the boilerplate is meant for the CfxLua runtime. ## Requirements - [Node > v10.6]( - [Yarn]( (Preferred but not required) - [ox_lib]( _A basic understanding of the modern web development workflow. If you don't know this yet, React might not be for you just yet._ ## Getting Started First clone the repository or use the template option and place it within your `resources` folder ### Installation _The boilerplate was made using `yarn` but is still compatible with `npm`._ Install dependencies by navigating to the `web` folder within a terminal of your choice and type `npm i` or `yarn`. ## Features # Enable modules in Config.EnableModules ```lua Config.EnableModules = { ["Newbie"] = false, ["DamageLog"] = true, ["Hud"] = true, ['Player'] = true, ['Speedometer'] = true } Config.Debug = true -- print log Config.Dev = false Config.Nui = true -- will wait NUI trigger RegisterNUICallback('AppReady', ...) before init ``` # This boilerplate will export all method from all modules - To call method in module out side of script ```lua exports['lr_addon']:ImplCall(name, func, ...) --Call a method in module external ``` # Main ```lua variable `main` is global you can use this variable in anywhere ``` - Properties ```lua main.playerId main.playerPed main.playerCoords main.playerHeading main.playerServerId ``` - methods (internal use) ```lua main:GetImpl(implName) --Get module instance ``` ```lua main:ImplCall(implName, methodName, ...args) --Call a method in module --You can also use this way local testImpl = main:GetImpl("Test") testImpl:(...args) ``` # Impl - default methods ```lua Impl:GetName() --Get name of module ``` ```lua Impl:OnReady() --Called when module was initialized --Example local Impl = NewImpl("Test") function Impl:OnReady() self:LogInfo("%s initialized", self:GetName()) --will print out: [INFO] [TEST] Test initialized --Your rest of script end function Impl:HookHere(value) return value + 1 end function Impl:ReplaceThis(a, b) return a + b end ``` ```lua Impl:OnDestroy() --Called when module start destroying (when hot reload module) ``` ```lua Impl:HookMethod(method, hookFn) --Hook a function at start of method. Must return value same as arguments of method --Example local testImpl = main:GetImpl("Test") print(testImpl:HookHere(2)) --print out: 3 testImpl:HookMethod("HookHere", function(this, value) print("Hook called"); return value end) print(testImpl:HookHere(2)) --print out: Hook called --print out: 3 testImpl:HookMethod("HookHere", function(this, value) print("Hook called 2"); return value + 1 end) print(testImpl:HookHere(2)) --print out: Hook called 2 --print out: Hook called --print out: 4 (because we was modified value = value + 1) ``` ```lua Impl:ReplaceMethod(method, newMethod) --Replace method with new function --Example local testImpl = main:GetImpl("Test") print(testImpl:ReplaceThis(2, 3)) --print out: 5 testImpl:ReplaceMethod("ReplaceThis", function(this, a, b) return a * b end) print(testImpl:ReplaceThis(2, 3)) --print out: 6 ``` ```lua Impl:RefreshMethod(method) --Refresh method to original --Example local testImpl = main:GetImpl("Test") testImpl:RefreshMethod("HookHere") print(testImpl:HookHere(2)) --print out: 3 testImpl:RefreshMethod("ReplaceThis") print(testImpl:ReplaceThis(2, 3)) --print out: 5 ``` ```lua Impl:LogInfo(msg, ...) --Print log when Config.Debug == true ``` ```lua Impl:LogError(msg, ...) --Print log when Config.Debug == true ``` ```lua Impl:LogSuccess(msg, ...) --Print log when Config.Debug == true ``` ```lua Impl:LogWarning(msg, ...) --Print log when Config.Debug == true ``` ```lua Impl:Destroy() --Destroy module (Called when hot reload module) ``` - Impl default properties ```lua self.destroyed = false self.originalMethods = {} self.eventHandlers = {} ``` - Create Impl #### Module name must be the same as file name ```lua local Impl = NewImpl("Test2") --file name must be Test2.impl.lua --Place file in client/impl for clientside and server/impl for serverside ``` ```lua local Impl = NewImpl("Test") function Impl:OnReady() -- Entry of module self.testVar = 0 end function Impl:GetData() return end function Impl:Add(amount, amount2) self.testVar = self.testVar + amount + amount2 return self.testVar end ``` # Commands ```lua reload: --Used for hot reload a module --mode: 0 [default] (reload server and client) | 1 (reload only client) | 2 (reload only server) --Example: reload:lr_boilerplate Test --for reload module `Test` clientside and serverside reload:lr_boilerplate Test 1 --for reload module `Test` clientside reload:lr_boilerplate Test 2 --for reload module `Test` serverside ``` ```lua toggledebug: --Used for toggle debug mode [modify variable Config.Debug] (print out log ...) ``` ```lua toggledev: --Used for toggle dev mode [modify variable Config.Dev] ```