Framework = nil if Config.Framework == 'esx' then Framework = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject() elseif Config.Framework == "qb" then Framework = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() elseif Config.Framework == "ProjectStarboy" then Framework = CORE else Framework = {} Framework.Functions = {} Framework.Functions.GetPlayerData = function() return {} end end ---@class Main ---@field impls table ---@field initializedImpls table Main = {} ResourceName = GetCurrentResourceName() local RegisteredEvents = {} if IsDuplicityVersion() then function GetGameTimer() return os.clock() * 1000 end else RegisterNUICallback('AppReady', function(data, cb) cb(Config.Settings or {}) NuiReady = true end) end ---Init main class ---@return Main function Main:Init() local o = {} setmetatable(o, { __index = Main }) o.impls = {} o.initializedImpls = {} o.lastTimeImplRegistered = 0 o.onReadyCallbacks = {} o.ready = false if not IsDuplicityVersion() then o.playerId = PlayerId() o.playerPed = PlayerPedId() o.playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(o.playerPed) o.playerHeading = GetEntityHeading(o.playerPed) o.playerServerId = GetPlayerServerId(o.playerId) o:Thread1() else o.ClientImpls = {} for k, v in pairs(Config.EnableModules) do if v then local path = "client/impl/" .. k .. ".impl.lua" local source = LoadResourceFile(ResourceName, path) if source == nil then self:LogWarning("Failed to load %s", path) else --[[ self:LogInfo("Loading %s", path) self:LogInfo("Loaded %s", source) ]] o.ClientImpls[k] = source end end end lib.callback.register(ResourceName .. ":getClientImpl", function(source, implName) return o.ClientImpls[implName] end) end o:Exports() o:RegisterCommands() o:RegisterEvents() return o end function Main:ListenOnReady(handler) if self.ready then return handler() end table.insert(self.onReadyCallbacks, handler) end if not IsDuplicityVersion() then function Main:Thread1() self.playerServerId = GetPlayerServerId(self.playerId) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do self.playerId = PlayerId() self.playerPed = PlayerPedId() self.playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(self.playerPed) self.playerHeading = GetEntityHeading(self.playerPed) Citizen.Wait(1000) end end) end end function Main:RegisterCommands() if not IsDuplicityVersion() then RegisterCommand("toggledebug:" .. ResourceName, function(source, args, rawCommand) Config.Debug = not Config.Debug self:LogInfo("Debug %s", Config.Debug) end, false) RegisterCommand("toggledev:" .. ResourceName, function(source, args, rawCommand) Config.Dev = not Config.Dev self:LogInfo("Dev %s", Config.Dev) SendNUIMessage({ action = "updateServerState", data = { isDev = Config.Dev, } }) end, false) RegisterCommand("implinfo:" .. ResourceName, function(source, args, rawCommand) self:ImplInfo() end, false) RegisterCommand("test", function() TriggerEvent("test") end, false) else RegisterCommand("reload:" .. ResourceName, function(source, args, rawCommand) if Config.ClientLazyLoad == false then return print("Lazyload was disabled") end local implName = args[1] local mode = args[2] if mode == nil then mode = "0" end self:LogInfo("Restarting impl: %s | side: %s (0: both, 1: client, 2: server)", implName, mode) if mode == "0" or mode == "2" then local svImpl = self:GetImpl(implName) if svImpl then svImpl:Destroy() self.impls[implName] = nil self.initializedImpls[implName] = nil end local source = LoadResourceFile(ResourceName, "server/impl/" .. implName .. ".impl.lua") if source == nil then self:LogWarning("Failed to load %s", ResourceName, "server/impl/" .. implName .. ".impl.lua") else self:LogInfo("Loading %s", implName) load(source)() end end if mode == "0" or mode == "1" then local clSource = LoadResourceFile(ResourceName, "client/impl/" .. implName .. ".impl.lua") if clSource == nil then self:LogWarning("Failed to load %s", ResourceName, "client/impl/" .. implName .. ".impl.lua") else self:LogInfo("Loading %s", "client/impl/" .. implName .. ".impl.lua") TriggerClientEvent(ResourceName .. ":restartClientImpl", -1, implName, clSource) end end end, true) end end function Main:RegisterEvents() RegisterNetEvent(ResourceName .. ":restartClientImpl", function(implName, source) local clImpl = self:GetImpl(implName) if clImpl then clImpl:Destroy() self.impls[implName] = nil self.initializedImpls[implName] = nil end load(source)() end) end function Main:LogError(msg, ...) print(("[^1ERROR^0] " .. msg):format(...)) end function Main:LogWarning(msg, ...) print(("[^3WARNING^0] " .. msg):format(...)) end function Main:LogSuccess(msg, ...) if not Config.Debug then return end print(("[^2INFO^0] " .. msg):format(...)) end function Main:LogInfo(msg, ...) if not Config.Debug then return end print(("[^5INFO^0] " .. msg):format(...)) end function Main:CheckValidImpl(name, impl) if not impl then self:LogError("Impl %s is nil", name) return false end if not impl.Init then self:LogError("Impl %s missing Init function", name) return false end return true end function Main:RegisterImpl(name, impl) if impl.implType == "impl" and (Config.EnableModules[name] == nil or not Config.EnableModules[name].enabled) then self:LogWarning("Impl %s not enabled", name) return end if self.impls[name] then self:LogWarning("Impl %s already registered", name) return end if not self:CheckValidImpl(name, impl) then return end self.impls[name] = impl self.lastTimeImplRegistered = GetGameTimer() self:LogSuccess("Impl %s registered", name) if self.ready then Citizen.CreateThread(function() self:LogSuccess("Impl %s hot reloading", name) Wait(1000) self.initializedImpls[name] = impl(self) if not self.initializedImpls[name] then self:LogError("Impl %s failed to hot reload", name) return end self.initializedImpls[name]:OnReady() self:LogSuccess("Impl %s hot reloaded", name) end) end end function Main:InitImpl() if Config.Dependencies then for k, v in ipairs(Config.Dependencies) do local p = TriggerEvent(('%s:onReady'):format(v), function() p:resolve() end) Citizen.Await(p) end end if not IsDuplicityVersion() then if Config.ClientLazyLoad then for k, v in pairs(Config.EnableModules) do if v.enabled and v.priority == 1 and v.client then self:LogInfo("Loading %s", k) local source = lib.callback.await(ResourceName .. ":getClientImpl", false, k) if source ~= nil then self:LogInfo("Loaded %s", k) load(source)() end end end for name, impl in pairs(self.impls) do if impl.implType ~= "impl" or (Config.EnableModules[name] and Config.EnableModules[name].priority == 1) then self.initializedImpls[name] = impl(self) end end self:LogInfo("All priority 1 initialized") for name, impl in pairs(self.initializedImpls) do if impl.implType ~= "impl" or (Config.EnableModules[name] and Config.EnableModules[name].priority == 1) then impl:OnReady() end end else for name, impl in pairs(self.impls) do if impl.implType ~= "impl" or (Config.EnableModules[name] and Config.EnableModules[name].priority == 1) then self.initializedImpls[name] = impl(self) end end self:LogInfo("All priority 1 initialized") for name, impl in pairs(self.initializedImpls) do if impl.implType ~= "impl" or (Config.EnableModules[name] and Config.EnableModules[name].priority == 1) then impl:OnReady() end end end else for name, impl in pairs(self.impls) do self.initializedImpls[name] = impl(self) end for name, impl in pairs(self.initializedImpls) do impl:OnReady() end end end function Main:InitImplAfterPlayerLoaded() if not IsDuplicityVersion() then for k, v in pairs(Config.EnableModules) do if v.enabled and v.priority == 2 and v.client then self:LogInfo("Loading %s", k) if Config.ClientLazyLoad then local source = lib.callback.await(ResourceName .. ":getClientImpl", false, k) if source ~= nil then self:LogInfo("Loaded %s", k) load(source)() end else if self.initializedImpls[k] then self.initializedImpls[k]:OnReady() end end end end for name, impl in pairs(self.impls) do if Config.EnableModules[name] and Config.EnableModules[name].priority == 2 then self.initializedImpls[name] = impl(self) end end self:LogInfo("All priority 2 initialized") for name, impl in pairs(self.initializedImpls) do if Config.EnableModules[name] and Config.EnableModules[name].priority == 2 then impl:OnReady() end end SendNUIMessage({ action = "updateServerState", data = { isDev = Config.Dev, } }) end self.ready = true for k, v in ipairs(self.onReadyCallbacks) do v() end self.onReadyCallbacks = {} end function Main:GetImpl(name) if not self.initializedImpls[name] then self:LogError("Impl %s not found", name) return end return self.initializedImpls[name] end function Main:ImplCall(name, func, ...) local impl = self:GetImpl(name) if not impl then return end if not impl[func] then self:LogError("Impl %s missing function %s - args %s", name, func, json.encode({ ... })) return end return impl[func](impl, ...) end function Main:ImplInfo() for name, impl in pairs(self.impls) do local debug = debug.getinfo(impl.OnReady, "S") self:LogInfo("Impl %s - %s", name, debug.short_src) end end function Main:Exports() exports("ImplCall", function(name, func, ...) return self:ImplCall(name, func, ...) end) end main = Main:Init() AddEventHandler(("%s:onReady"):format(GetCurrentResourceName()), function(handler) local invokingResource = GetInvokingResource() main:LogInfo(invokingResource) main:ListenOnReady(handler) end) --[[ local origAddEventHandler = AddEventHandler function AddEventHandler(eventName, ...) if RegisteredEvents[eventName] then main:LogWarning("Event %s already registered. Removing", eventName) RemoveEventHandler(RegisteredEvents[eventName]) end RegisteredEvents[eventName] = origAddEventHandler(eventName, ...) return RegisteredEvents[eventName] end local origRegisterNetEvent = RegisterNetEvent function RegisterNetEvent(eventName, ...) if RegisteredEvents[eventName] then main:LogWarning("Event %s already registered. Removing", eventName) RemoveEventHandler(RegisteredEvents[eventName]) end RegisteredEvents[eventName] = origRegisterNetEvent(eventName, ...) return RegisteredEvents[eventName] end ]] Citizen.CreateThread(function() while GetGameTimer() < main.lastTimeImplRegistered + 1000 do Citizen.Wait(0) end while Framework == nil do main:LogInfo("Waiting for Framework") Wait(100) end main:InitImpl() if not IsDuplicityVersion() then if Config.Framework == 'esx' then while not Framework.IsPlayerLoaded() do Wait(100) end elseif Config.Framework == 'qb' then local player = Framework.Functions.GetPlayerData() while player == nil do Wait(100) player = Framework.Functions.GetPlayerData() end end while not NuiReady and Config.Nui do Wait(100) end end main:InitImplAfterPlayerLoaded() end)